Is there a node like a switch?

If you want to have just a slight variation in behaviour you should expose the variables you want to change (click on the closed eye icon next to the variable in the variables panel)


Then place these Actors in the level, select one and this variable will be in the Details panel of said actor. There you can change the value to achieve different behaviour.

Here I use it for my Note BP so I can have different note text for each blueprint.

Also, anything connected to the “Update” of a timeline will execute every frame so there is no point to set the play rate of a timeline on Update. Do it before you run the timeline.

Hey Guys,
I’m VERY new to unreal engine and in Gamedevelopment so excuse me if this question may be bad.

I want to have several actors in my scene which are using the same blueprint but with slight changes each time.

In this case I want to animate platforms but not any platform should have the same movement-timing.
So first I started to create for each “Platform-Class” an own blueprint with just the same basenodes, but different timing.

But then I asked myself if is not possible to have all the timing in jsut one blueprint by … somehow switching threw the nodes with some sort of a Node Railroad switch to which I set a controler and so I could switch bettween different timing patterns, without creating a bunch of blueprints.
Is there a node like this?

And am I maybe on the wrong way? is there a better way to solve this problem maybe?

Thank you so much!
Kind regards

there is indeed switch nodes such as the switch on int linked below. Most switch nodes take in a value and execute a output pin based on the input value. so in the case of a switch on int then you will have a integer number associated with each pin and which pin is used is determined by the integer input. theres also switches on many other types such as enumerations.

as a side note there are also select nodes which operate like switches but output different values (int, bool, actor, etc) instead of execution. Then theres also branches which are basically a switch with two options/ outputs (true false).

if you want to be able to change the input value for the switch on a per instance basis (each actor in level) then you can make the input value a variable and set it to public by checking the eye icon next to it. this will allow you to set the variables value in the viewport details panel when a actor is selected.