Is there a Math node that returns a number between a new min and a new max?

In blueprints the input is a 7.5 in a range between 0 and 10

I want to return a number between a new-minimal and new-max value that is relative to num in the range between old-minimal and old-max values.

In this case I want the new-minimal and new-max values to be 7 to 11. Then the return would be 10.

Is there a node for this?
If not, how would a function for this look like?


There is no node for this.

But also, it makes no sense.

Why is the new range 7-11 when the number was 7.5?

I’m looking for a proportional tool where I can input new ranges.

The new ranges are also inputs. the return is the number proportional to the new range.

You can map one range to another range?


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you can make a rule of three too… I don’t know if there is a node for rules of three

or maybe you want a random number


Your hero badge is well earned. Thank you ClockworkOcean, I think this is exactly the node I was looking for.

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