Welp I pretty much fit the whole topic in the subject line.
I’m looking for something more like this Colorizing Images With Gradients In Photoshop
No there isn’t a function for it but have a look at this, it works exactly the same in the UE4.
It’s really simple, you use your gradient texture “as if” it’s the diffuse texture, and you use the greyscale texture (for example a greyscale wood texture) as UV coords for the gradient texture.
Hmm I think linearinterpolation was the droid I was looking for
LinearInterpolation will work but it will only let you go between two colours. It’s possible to use a horizontal gradient from photoshop to have as many colours as you like. I have made you a function because I like the cut of your jib. Here’s a quick example pic. And the graph…
That’s an interesting way to do it! It’s pretty smart to include the index in Y. All I’m doing with this one though is wrapping the whole thing up in a neat material function. Another more advanced function incorporating the index could easily be made, though.
I’ve being trying to open up the functionality of the nodes, but it seems to be interesting that it must be a TextureObject for the node to work. Is it possible to use a Non-TextureObject gradient for the graph? like if I use lerp to create a gradient sample, and somehow use it as a textureObject?
I found a couple ways around the texture object thing. One is you can just use a texture object parameter so you can change the texture easy in a material instance. The other is I made a material function that takes in the texture object and outputs rgba, r, g, b, and a, along with a “UV” input so I could still do my UV stuff with it as well.
(Necro’d this thread, sorry)
Maybe this could be helpful: Art Is A Verb - "Ditching Diffuse Maps" by Andrew Maximov
Such a great thread, thanks for all the gems in here gang!