Hi everyone, I’m trying to read the fbx file associated for each lod of a static mesh. If for example I want to get the .fbx file associated to the lods in a skeletal mesh, I can do the next:
assetPath = "/Game/mySkeletal.mySkeletal"
assetData = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary.find_asset_data(assetPath)
asset = assetData.get_asset()
lodsInfo = dict()
for index, lod in enumerate(asset.get_editor_property("lod_info")):
lodInfo = dict()
lodInfo["index"] = index
lodInfo["fbx"] = lod.get_editor_property("source_import_filename")
Because, as you can see in the SkeletalMesh documentation, there is a property called “lod_info” which is of type Array(SkeletalMeshLODInfo) and allow us to read this value.
But if you go to the StaticMesh documentation, there is not a “lod_info” property, even it doesn’t have any way to find this “Array(StaticMeshLodInfo)”.
So, how can I read the .fbx associated to the lods in this case?
Thanks so much in advance.