Is there a limit on BSPs / why they stop appearing

I have been making a car junkyard zone on bsp-made greyboxes and run onto a problem when parts of BSPs start disappearing. I’ve seen in bug reports that this is a problem that appears when BSPs intersect a lot. However, even when they do not intersect they start partly disappearing, like if parts were cut out. It is said it’s a problem with big BSPs, however, mine are not too big, the maximum height\width would be 500x500, but mostly it’s around 300 on the longer side.

After a while, BSPs stopped appearing at all. They are visible in wireframe and the collision works just fine, but you can not see them at all.
It seems like if there was a limit on BSPs per tile? Since it has a lot of BSPs there, in fact, the whole zone with few exceptions, is made with them.

Hello Kevintheradioguy,

The short answer is no, there is no concrete limit on the amount of BSP’s allowed in your level. With that being said, there are known issues with BSP’s having faces and certain parts missing when there are a number them overlapping and intersecting within a given area. A quick note, remember to use the ‘Build All’ button after making a number of changes, especially when working with BSP’s.

At their core, BSP’s are usually meant for blocking out a level which is called “White Boxing.” This allows for quick iterations when creating a scene that you need to continually change or edit. It is for this reason BSP’s are great because they require no import/exporting and provide a solid preview for simple pieces of geometry that will later be replaced by static meshes.

On thing to try would be to select one of your complete car meshes, convert it into a static mesh, and then duplicate those throughout the level, replacing your remaining BSP’s with the newly created mesh. My next suggestions, and definitely your best bet, would be to create a car model in an external 3d Modeling program and import it into the Engine.

If you have any other questions or need additional help on how to use BSP’s, please let us know.

Thank you,