I am at a point right now where I have a really good understanding of everything I need to know in terms of what I can do and what can be done. But, I am sitting at a point now where I am unsure exactly what is really the best most intended way to make a multiplayer first person shooter.
For example, should I use interfaces for all of my blueprint communications or should use other methods?
Are there any unsaid rules for working with interfaces to make my life a lot easier?
How much of my scripting really needs to be in Game mode vs Game state?
Should things I spawn and posses happen in the player controller or in game state?
When I click a button on my UMG interface to spawn the player or start a death match should that button talk to the player controller or game state?
Is it ideal to have one overarching interface for the game mode or should every major class have its own interface file? For example should Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Player controller, PlayerHUD and Player Character all have their own interface blueprints?
As far as organizing everything neatly can you give brief examples of what sorts of things do you think belong in Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Player controller, PlayerHUD and Player Character?
Am I missing any other files?
I have been running into a lot of weird bugs and issues lately simply because I am not 100% sure if the methods I know how to use are being used correctly. What is most ideal? I really wish I could get some pointers on the overall rules and practices I need to follow to make sure my game is doing this by the books rather than flying blind like I am right now. I recently attempted to try and make game mode spawn the players after 2 or more players queue for a match. It then grabs the players and tries to talk to player controller to make them spawn.
Can anyone help?