Is there any type of Find/Get Physics Constraint Node?
Like lets say i made a physics constraint using the Add Physics Constraint Component node and then set the constraint using Set Constrained Components.
comp1 is A box and comp 2 is A cone. the Target is comp2(the cone)
Now if i wanted to break the constraint using Break Constraint,this will work fine if i say,shot a linetrace from my camera to the cone and made conditions/checks that IF the hitActor/Comp was the cone then it would fire a Break Constraint node.
That works because the Physics Constraint was MADE on that comp2(the cone)
But what if i wanted to break the constrain thats attached to comp1(the box)? It wouldn’t work because the Box doesn’t have a Physics Constraint Component to return(from what the error dumps in UE4 tells me). Only the cone has it.
If there was a Find/Get constraint/constrained node,then i could use that to break it. But i cant seem to find one or a way around it. Now i can find a way around it if its ONLY Two objects that has a Physics Constraint. BUT in my case i have A LOT more objects.
So is there a way to do it or is there a Get/Find Physics Constraint Node that i’ve just missed?