I’m wanting a ‘Exec Node’ that counts and once it counts to a particular number it activates. So I’m basically wanting a ‘Exec Node’ That when it gets a input signal of 2 it will then activate. So, is there a ‘Exec Node’ that can do this? If so what is it called? I have tried a ‘Do Once’ & a ‘Do N’ Node and they don’t seem to work like how I want them to. The ‘Do N’ Node works like how I want it but opposite, It activates twice then stops.
Anyone know?
I dont recall seeing any node with that functionality, the only thing thats even close would be a timeline.
Also, counts how, like Time? or the number of times activated etc?(timeline can do both)
both options are simple to implement in blueprint even without timelines(record start and end game time and compare, or just increase a variable by some arbitrary number over time)
Hi man , here is a "Timer " he count from 0 to “SU”… and when reach it fire the event attached to the 1 execute.
you can set SU, to 2, and it will execute every 2 time you step in the timer.
you can set it to 100 , and it will fire 1 on 99