Is there a convienient and easy way to retarget between A-pose and T-pose animations in UE5?

I’ve got some character / animation assets which can be categoried to the following types:

  1. T-pose animation assets ( mixamo animations )
  2. T-pose character assets I used as my game characters
  3. A-pose character and animation assets (I intented to use them on the characters above)

I’ve already set up IK Rigs and Retargeter for 2 and 3.

Since I didn’t add any skill point to animations, it’s quite annoying for me to adjust those bones so that they can match perfectly.

Is there any magic tools for those people like me to retarget these animation as perfect as possible?


I’m not sure about free options, but if you are using Mixamo an extremely popular option is Mixamo Animation Retargeting 2. You will still need to make minor adjustments to the bones to make them perfect, but it does most of the heavy lifting.

I’m not sure about magic tools other than unreal. If you prefer not to use an external program, you may want to check all the settings you can adjust in your IK retargeter. I assume you are using one without getting the exact results you’re after.

Magic, no.
I show the process of going from one pose to another in blender withn this video:

Probably painful to watch if the pose trick is all you want out of it, but still… its a practical application.

As far as magic tools…
The Rokoko live plugin for blender offers a retargeting system.
Perhaps you could momentarily levarage that to transfer the pose from whatver into the character, so that you can perfom the trick explained in the video to set the origin pose.

Mixamo animations are small part of my animation assets. I’m not sure the plugin would fit the other animations I got from other places like UE market.

I want a magic tool just because tweaking the transform of the bone is tedious for me :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds like finding an expert to adjust the animations is a much more appropriate way for me :rofl:

You know, you may not need to.
Have the engine retarget them, and then export them again.
The end result should be a set of animations that does not require the tpose to start.

Then in the clean project you can simply import the last exported animation, and it should just work without causing a mess…

Check this out: Easy Pose in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
It helps you to change from/to any pose, any skeleton strcuture seamlessly, with just a single click.