Is there a console command for openEXR screenshot?

Hello , please help me !
Is there a console command for openEXR screenshot ?
I want to use openEXR screenshot in blueprints by execute console command .
But , there is not console command for openEXR screenshot.

Hello Moto-man,

What are you trying to achieve after opening this image file? There might by other and more efficient ways to go about getting the desired outcome you are looking for. I also noticed the EXR is a blender specific image file?


Hello ,
Thank you for reply. I want to use the EXR files in Nuke for making VFX moive.
I only use Nuke for composition. Now i can use HighResScreenshot command to capture bmp file. But i want a EXR screenshot console command.
Thanks and please help me.

I will inform the developers of your feature request to have EXR screenshots available to users in the console command.

Thank you for help. Is very kind of you !

The High Resolution Screenshot Editor tool does this programatically. Checkout HighResScreenshotUI.cpp for an example. You basically get the current viewport, set some screenshot parameters and then call TakeHighResScreenshot() on the viewport.

Has it been implemented yet? I can’t find anything anywhere but this post.

Yes, this has been implemented as moof2k mentioned within the HighResScreenshot tool.


Checking this option, “Write HDR format visualization targets” will output EXR images to your saved screenshots directory of your unreal project.