I’m curious, because I cannot find them, but are there nodes for…
- Cpu core count? and Cpu Count?
- A memory Node that would return, the amount of memory in the machine?
- Or just a general all around node, that returns a plethora of information about the machine?
Thank you for your time,
That information is not currently exposed to blueprints. Native declarations can be found in Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMisc.h
and Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMemory.h
. In Epic’s own projects we do not defer big decisions about memory or thread management to blueprint clients, but perhaps that decision doesn’t make sense in your project!
Again thank you for the information, very much appreciated!
In writing/selling software over the years, there is one thing I have learned, no matter what Management/Customer’s say, about performance. i.e. “well we can always get a bigger machine…” that when it comes time for that “bigger” machine, whether its a 50 million dollar mainframe/cluster, or a 2K PC, that’s when the screaming starts! lol So in light of that, i’m always thinking performance. I don’t always succeed, but I do try.
Again, thank you for your time,