I found GetSelectedLevelActors but I can’t find any event like OnSelectedActorsChanged. Does anyone know how to do it? I’d hate to put my code in Event Tick and compare list of selected actors each tick…
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I don’t think GetSelectedLevelActors is what you’re looking for, if you’re talking about doing things on Tick. I believe that function is related to the editor rather than runtime.
Can you elaborate a little on what you’re looking to do? Do you have an array of “selected” characters that you populate by clicking on them? If so, and if you’re using blueprint only, you can use an event dispatcher to notify anybody that cares when you modify your array.
If you’re using C++ you can use Delegates.
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I’m using BPs only. I want to get sub-level of selected actor and have it displayed in an Editor Utility Widget.
Ah I see. I don’t think there’s anything exposed to BP by default. But there is a module that includes such delegates: