Is there a Blueprint/C++ way to instantly For the animator to a specific state and start blending to another animation state?

So this may be a bit specific, but I’m coming over from unity which has a very useful function called Animation.CrossFade (ref)

Is there anything like this in unreal?

So lets take a practical Example. I have 4 states. Ground → Jump → Falling → Landing

In the normal process Ideally you jump so you transition off your strafe ground blend state to your jump. Then after jump finishes you transition to landing, then back to ground.

But now lets take the case where you want to Jump during your landing animation, Is there any way in a blueprint or c++ when Jump() is called I can force the animator to start blending into the jump animation WITHOUT making an explicity transition in the Anim State machine?

I know that this effect can be achieved by simply creating a transition in the state machine from landing → jump with the proper constraints. However this quickly becomes un-sustainable if you have a LOT of animation and a lot of states and conditions. I really don’t want to create a massive spider web where every state has a possible transition to every other state, ideally when i press Jump or similarly when i Land, i don’t want to have to manually make a transition on the SM graph to land from 15 different air animation states. I would like to just be able to call CrossFade(“Landing”) and have the animation transition from whatever its current state is to the desired state.

Thank you!