Is there a better/faster way to copy a transition rule? (Animation Blueprint)


the more I work on a character the more I get to use the same transitions over and over again (like: “transition after 90% of an animation is done”). Is there an easy way to copy a transition without having to open up the transition and manually copying the contents? My ideal solution would be to selection a transition between, let’s say, “HitReact” and A, then copy it (CTRL+C), then select “HitReact” and C and hit paste (CTRL+V) to create the same transition between C and D.


Any idea how to do that?

Thanks, Lx


If they both had the same condition in the transition, then how would the code decide which transition to take?

By additional changes that could be made after copying 50 transition rules and not re-implementing them

2020, still no way to copy/move rules?

Is it possible now?

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