Hi, I’m using a couple of widgets in my game to display and change between the different HUDs. So I’ve been using the ‘Create Widget’ node to create and store them at level start. I was trying to link a widget class reference variable to the create widget node today and it got converted to a ‘Construct’ node. Ever since then, I can only use the Construct node when I try to add Create Widget. Has the Create Widget node been officially replaced by this ‘Construct’ node?
Hey , yea it’s been showing ‘Create Widget’ for me until now. Or atleast I haven’t noticed it staying as contruct. But today, I tried connecting a variable that holds a reference to a widget class and it just remained as a construct node. I hadn’t tried connecting a class to the node before, so I don’t know if it’s always been like this.
Create User widget still there, But says construct when nothing attached and create after attached.
If you search it is create widget, then turns to this
Then turns to this after
Ok, Never used a VAR before, just used the drop box.
Mine stays as Construct when I use a VAR as well. But I have been on 4.7.6 for a while now, so must of been like that for a little while would be my guess. Have you done any updates recently?
Cool, I just wanted to make sure that this was part of some recent update and not some freak code incident. I’m using 4.7.6 as well. Thanks for confirming that man.