Is Tag Valid

I am working about components’ tags and some of them are returning none. But I can’t find similar to “Is Valid” node for tags. When i do something like “Is Valid” nodes and just check if it is none or not, it is continues to give error. WTF?
Is this literally do same thing with “Is Valid” node does?
Gameplay tags are not useful for this situation.
Also is valid index node looks like not working.

why do you want to iterate inside tag arrays?

just use ‘has tag’


nope, i cant.

actually i can but it will create very chaotic function and everything is already very chaotic

Update: Still getting hundereds of error because of idiot none tags

Update 2: I chance some collision things and tags and now i dont get errors. But still i dont know why we dont have “Is Tag Valid” like node.
And when i do something like “Is Tag Valid” i contiuned get errors.