Is Quixel Bridge sign in broken?

All attempts to log in to Quixel Bridge fail after entering information into the Epic Games login window. Once the information is entered, the menu goes gray and stays that way indefinitely. Closing the broken sign in window causes quixel bridge to display the error: " ‘code’ must be a string".

Have attempted reinstalling, deleting the Bridge folder in Roaming, deleting the Bridge folder in Documents, and reinstalling the Epic Games launcher. Help would be appreciated, thanks.


having the same issue rn

Same here. Any updates?

I have the same problem, and I can’t update either.

Same here, " ‘code’ must be a string". I can’t log in either.

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I tryed signin in from epic games and not via API google (using my epic credencials) and it worked

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Same issue

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Got the same issue. Tried it with the Google API and without (like turcoasmilo mentioned)…I still can’t login

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Thank you

Same here…

Me too…

For those of you still stuck on this… When you reach the sign-in page and click “Sign In with Epic Games”, just put your Google email and Google password in the ‘Email’ and ‘Password’ sections. DON’T click on the Google logo and sign in that way. I did that, and it worked for me :slight_smile: after many attempts of 'code ’ must be a string. Hope this helps. Thanks to @turcoasmilo


I am having the same issue, tried everything possible, still no luck

Hi guys!

I was able to log in by manually logging in through my Epic Games account instead of using the Google sign in option.

Hey there, i did all of the above, not working. Last attempt was to click the “forgot password” option, and change it, then login. Success! Hope it helps.

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Still broken for me as of today. I can’t log in using email and password since the account was created as “Login through Google” - and yes, I know I can set a new password, but I don’t want to, to be fair.

I’ve the same issue, can’t sign in.

I tried this option it worked. Thank you.

I have the same issue, none of the workarounds work for me. I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling, etc.

any fix?