So I’m in the middle of animating a door that opens when I approach, closes when I step back. But if I approach the door while it is closing, I want it to interrupt the closing animation and reverse to reopen. So I have this Branch node that says “if an animation is playing, stop, reverse; else, play (until the end of the closing animation)”. But the “is playing” node is not working as expected, because as soon as I hit Play and approach the door for the very first time, it won’t open, because it reads that the opening animation itself “is playing” already; in other words, it triggers sooner than expected… I think this is because the “Is Playing” node expects a skeletal mesh component as target. I only have the one for the door to give it, so it will always trigger. And even if I duplicate it and use one copy of the skeletal mesh component node for the begin overlap trigger and the other copy for the end overlap trigger, it will still read it as being the same. I don’t understand why it reads as already “playing”, since it is not, it would only play now for the first time. So I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not. I believe that what would really be handy was if I could use the animation as target, so that I could say “if the animation of closing is playing, interrupt it and reverse it”. Help?