Is object visible to fps player proper way?

Hello dear devs,

I wonder how can i properly check is object visible to player with not using “Was Actor Recently Rendered”. Because i need to check non-visible objects etc. sometimes, and sometimes i need to check is “navigation paths” visible or-not.


Hey there @Galasdaer! If you need to check if they can be seen from your first person character’s location even if they aren’t currently rendered, you’re more likely looking to do a line trace for obstructions, even if you don’t have a collision you’re attempting to hit, you may have a location/position that you’re looking for and if it’s occluded in the trace, it’s likely that it’s “not visible”. This isn’t foolproof, but many games do something similar when checking for rendering won’t do.

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Thanks for your answer! Yes i am line tracing the position if something blocking or not and also dot product to calculate if i am facing it or not but problem is when character looking straight up or down. How can i determine that, because logically yes object not obscured by anything and i am facing it but object not on screen at that moment.

If you’re savvy with vector math, you could compare the direction vector of the camera to the direction vector of the object, but at the end of the day you’d just be basically writing an entire view cone system, depending on how large your ranges are you could probably get away with using a collision cone or the AI perception setup on the player character while somewhat more unreliable. Then there’s the idea of third party plugins like:

This is not an endorsement

First of all thanks for your messages. This looks like a great plugin; it also reminded me of a solution from another game engine. Maybe there is a way to check the ‘camera frustum.’ Perhaps drawing a collision cone similar to the camera frustum is possible. Alternatively, is there a built-in method to check inside the camera frustum?

This thread has a couple of types mentioned and you can however get the camera’s frustrum dimensions directly (also listed).