Is Named Reroute available for anything except Materials?

Hello. Recently i have known Add Named Reroute but i can use it only in Materials. Is correct or i can use it for logic in BP? Are there alternatives of the node if it’s not available.

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Apparently so :sweat_smile:

You could always add a normal re-route with a comment…

Hello. Do you a regular reroute to align connection of nodes or to make connection without mandatory nodes like in Materials?

Honestly, I use this

It’s great for blueprints, not so good for materials. But there are lots of similar plugins.


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blueprint assist is, IMO, the most important plugin for unreal.

it should be part of the engine, and the author should not have to work for the rest of their life. It will prevent RSI, save time and mental energy, and add conformity to blueprint graphs which is going to help the community at large.

So many times I take a look at somebodys post asking for help, but the graph is such a nightmare to follow I don’t want to hurt my eyes looking at it.


I constantly use it, along with Zen Mode :slight_smile:

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zen mode too!

though it looks like ue5 basically made their own version of zen mode.

How is that?..

the autocollapsing side bars and content browser is hotkey bound and can be brought up anywhere

Hmm, they never auto collapse with me… :smiling_face: