Is my system okay for UE5.2?

working on realistic worlds

The vRAM and RAM may become a limiting factor later on, depending on what you’re doing.

Is my system okay

I’d call it the absolute minimum you can get away with for a new machine. So not that OK for long-term game dev - playing and making games is quite different, and laptops are mostly non-upgradable.

But it’s not like you’re going to exchange the laptop, right? So is the question here to validate the purchase :innocent: ?

I’ve been sitting on a 8GB vRAM GPU since 2017. Has it been fine for everything? Yeah!

  • would I now buy an 8GB vRAM GPU for gaming? Unlikely.
  • for game dev? Absolutely no.

You mileage may vary, ofc. If you browse some of the recent threads, you’ll run into similar opinions:

…and into actual issues where things simply refuse to work.