Is Moving on Ground movement component not working/always false

Hi there!
I’m trying to make a vehicles game, and I’m working on tweaking the mechanics and the physics.
So far, I’ve managed to make a BluePrint of a custom vehicle using chaos physics, right now it can accellerate, steer, brake and handbrake successfully.
Now the issue is, whenever I try to invoke from my Vehicle Movement Component the “is moving on ground” node always outputs false, and so does the is flying or is falling, even when I’m falling from a height.
So I believe there must be a parameter somewhere (kind of like the “use physics” toggle in the BP details panel, without that the whole vehicle won’t be simulated) that is disabled and is not letting some information about the vehicle movement component passing through correctly. I tried enabling and playing with the physics simulation settings in the physics asset for my skeletal mesh, but is always outputting false for is moving on ground.

So my question is, does that sound with any of you? How can I “activate” the is moving on ground for my vehicle movement component? What could be the issue, and how and where should I look to solve it? Or otherwise, how can I create a variable that checks if my vehicle movement component is colliding with the ground and outputting true or false?

Thank you for your time!

You can access wheel data like so:

This may only be relevant for when the AI moves on navmesh.

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Thank you so much! That was indeed the solution. I had to implement my own “Is Moving on Ground” boolean variable, so I’ve casted my Vehicle Movement Component variable to a Chaos Wheeled Vehicle Movement Component at EventBeginPlay, and from there I’ve used it on a Custom Tick to check if any of the four wheels was in contact, as you’ve shown! I’ve managed to implement some other variables, although I wonder if there is a way to have some of those macros working natively, like is moving on ground or similar

I’m trying to mark this as the correct answer but I’m not able to… In any case, thank you for your solution and for your precious time!

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