Is most of the documentation out of date?

I’m trying to get this one here done:
“Setting Up Character Movement in Blueprints”

The first issue is the new “Calculate Direction,” from blue to green.
The second issue is “Event Blueprint Update Animation,” doesn’t seem to be able to “Cast To MyCharacter.”
The third issue is in the "Idle_Rifle_Hip to Walk_BS (rule) returning these errors:
-> Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerCharacter_ReturnValue_1”. Blueprint: MyAnimationBlueprint Function: Execute Ubergraph My Animation Blueprint Graph: Transition Node: Result
-> Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None”. Blueprint: MyAnimationBlueprint Function: Execute Ubergraph My Animation Blueprint Graph: Transition Node: Result

It would be great if someone updated the documentation for the latest versions, created a complete oversight or even brought back that Wiki.

Some of the Documentation is for much older versions than 4.24.3, the latest version.

I think some of the older Information from earlier versions is sometimes more useful… i am actually not working with the newest version of ue4 maybe the ue4 team knows how many people actueally work with the newest version and because of that they dont feed the wiki and doc to up to date but yea somehow they should have resources for that one