Nvm, it’s synchronized if i make my output from the sequencer, in my case since i use another capture plugin i did the mmspiatek tricks to force the sync like this:
Thanks for the Image Media Plugin you saved me here.
Nvm, it’s synchronized if i make my output from the sequencer, in my case since i use another capture plugin i did the mmspiatek tricks to force the sync like this:
Thanks for the Image Media Plugin you saved me here.
So a lot of time passed - is there any news on this? Need it for a 360 video I´m creating right now
Any find a solution for this with the 360 plugin? Recording via sequencer may work, but via the plugin still appears broken.
Alright, it is now 4.22 HOW CAN I SYNC MY MEDIA PLAYER / VIDEO TEXTURES inside sequencer so when I render out a movie through sequencer it is not playing the video textures at Fast forward speed?? Please help this has been years of requesting this with no solution.
Use an image plate with image sequences and sequencer instead of video textures. Works fine and I use it all the time.
Thanks for the speedy suggestion reedandrader can you expand on this? I work with Mp4 videos all the time literally several a day how do I convert them into an image sequence quickly, I use sequencer currently I just have the videos start in the level blueprints and just want these videos in the background of the level to play correctly.
I am just not sure how to use an image plate as opposed to a video texture with an Mp4 as the source
Depending on your video resolution and computer hardware this playback may be choppy. It won’t be when actually rendering out of sequencer though… Typically I’m working with 4K video and while testing I’ll make low resolution proxy footage of my videos then I’ll switch the proxies to highres when I render out of sequencer.
Let me know if you need more help.
This is pretty much what I said…
Thank you for the tip reedandrader.
For anyone else facing this issue (still present in 4.25, 4.24, …) here’s how I managed it:
This helped me couple times with both videos and audios.
Anyway it is not a perfect solution, there can be problems, I imagine because of fps differences, time conversion, etc…
Ideally there should be a seek to frame for every cinematic asset (media, sound, sequence, etc…)
Anyway it seems that generally at now is better for videos to have png sequences!
Can you put an image of your DirectorBP for better understanding? Please
And in the other blueprint …
This is for mediaPlayer… for audio component just use the play method that has StartTime as parameter and works for seek too.
I hope images explain it better
ohhh thanks! I will check, making the image sequence as solution is a step that I want to avoid, just for workflow, because works fine, but extra step…, but I’m complete surprised that UE cant fix that with easy set up parameters… thanks again!
Im here again, trying to solve that puzzle. I made the edit in sequencer director and in the BP chroma screen but seems like theres no comunication from sequencer director and the frame rate of playback media. I tried to use seek and set rate but I have errors in my BP.
what do you think?
If you don’t want to have problems with the video render in sequencer use this method i use: UE4 How to Render a Media Texture, Video, in Sequencer at Right Speed - YouTube
Hi there,
you are using BeginPlay on the chroma bp, that event fires when the actor is being spawned and you have not yet correctly set the Director reference. You want to keep in synch, so call the SetRate every frame but be sure to check for object initialization: use “Is Valid” on director bp ref, and in any other references (MediaP, …).
In the second screenshot it seems that in the event track you are calling a function named “Sequence”, where you probably want to call your “SetUp” function