Hi guys, I’m a student learning both Unity and Unreal at the same time. I have more experience on Unity than Unreal. In my experience when I compile a shader in unity it only take one to two seconds. I was just making a orb with fresnel effect and I need adjust the input various time. Every time I save the material it took almost one minute to compile the material. Is this normal in UE4, if not what the problem might be? Thanks.
My PC spec: CPU: i7 7700k GPU: Nvidia GTX1080 RAM: 32GB
It shouldn’t take that long.
I haven’t used UE4 much (at all, recently) on my current machine, but on my old i5 750 it would take a decent sized material to get over 10 seconds.
No idea what the problem might be, but it might be a good incentive to check out material instances.
It depends VERY heavily on the material that needs to be compiled. Generally, the more instructions, the longer the compile time. Landscape materials, with high layer counts, can be an absolute nightmare to iterate on with all of the long compiles. You might want to check your task manager=>performance monitor to see if you’re CPU is getting used elsewhere, if it’s throttling/downclocking, if your ram is full/you’re thrashing your page file, and so on.
I would suggest using material instances, as mentioned earlier. You could also check out Incredibuild. It helps with compile and build time, but it also speeds up material compile. I’m using it and it’s totally worth it. Check it out, no need for setup, just install it and unreal will use it automatically.