I am trying get in d-pad and analog stick input into my menus.
The UMG node Listen for Input Actions works for button presses but I can’t seem to get IE Axis to work nor do I see any way of getting the axis values.
Does the Listen for Input action work when the even type is set to IE Axis? Is there another way I should be doing this?
Ran into this issue myself today, don’t know if you’re still looking for an answer. Diving into the engine code, it doesn’t look like binding to an IE_Axis event does anything. In fact, IE_Axis is only in 3 places and it’s not actually used for anything.
If you have a code project you can set up your own function to listen for axis events though. First you need to create a C++ class inheriting from UserWidget and in its header declare the following:
That should get you the behavior you want. Just make sure you have your input mode set to GameOnly or GameAndUI, I found that the axis values weren’t being updated if it was set to InputOnly.