Hi Guys, in my project I am using a line trace to determin the distance from my character to objects in my landscape, however it is only picking up the distance to the ground, hills and mountains. I have quite high foilage grass and lots of foilage bushes which distance to the character I also want to be picked up by the line trace. Can someone tell me how to do this.
EDITED: I just looked around and I don’t think Foliage provides any trace channel feedback. You could however make a specific area like say the larger bushes that hide the player in Assassins Creed with Blueprints that could send a trace response using the actor with tag like I stated before. Paint foilage doesn’t provide a trace response. Someone chime in if i’m wrong.
Paint foliage has a trace response but it’s a generated mesh that covers all of each foliage type on the landscape. It doesn’t make up individual patches and so is incredibly useless.
Maybe a blueprint, with the intended collision, can be set up to automatically paint foliage when plopped down. Hmmm…