I know it’s off-topic subject. but this is an important question for me that needs to be answered. I really need any advice from experienced people who managed to make their first game successfully. before… you know… begin making my own game too.
the issue I’m about to face is confusing. and I don’t know where to start. in fact, I’m confused about two possibilities and I’m afraid that one of them would be wasting my time with no progression: shall I scope big and aim high? or start small and making prototypes?… What level am I? … Am I ready to make my first game?
knowing that other game developer’s out-there on the internet are advising to scope small, meaning that I must make a mini simple game that require A MONTH of development at the most. any other than that would result a failure.
but let me tell you where it all started with me, so you can estimate my current state. I know it might get too long. but it’s A fateful decision for me that I need help making it right.
I love video games a lot. especially the third person genres. 7 years ago, I decided to put my paper drawings hobby into Computer 3D Design. I started with small modelling programs that create basic shapes ofcourse, but afterwards, I developed myself until I knew how to use the big ones like 3ds max. and that for the 3D designing specialty which toke me 3 years of experience until I got nearly mastering it.
Then, I decided to begin to know coding and programming, as exploring what game engines are there that I may start with; I began with a very small engine called 3D Rad. started coding and practicing C++ on it, and I made a progress. and learnt to put theories and Ideas, and then turn them to a code that would be compiled and played in a game engine… made a lot of prototypes also on this engine! until I’ve managed to scope for the high engines like Unity which toke me 2 years of experience knowing its basics and mastering it. (and also made prototypes out of it) see the last prototypes I made with Unity:
Latest prototype I was working on. powered by Unity 5.
A video posted by Omar Nader (@don.omarnader) on Jun 11, 2016 at 7:29am PDT
and also this which I made its level entirely:
Complete Level prototype. powered by Unity 5.
until I saw Unreal Engine capabilities, and decided to develop using Unreal Engine, since it was more stable and suites my desired game needs. I practiced on it for 1 year ago and still do until today, as knowing the basics that at least would make me develop my game. see my first prototype on Unreal Engine 4:
Batman prototype. powered by Unreal Engine 4.
now don’t think I’m showing off or something. in-fact I shared with you my latest progression just to know the answer of the question:
I decided to put my experience into a video game: shall I start big? or start small?