Do I need to fork UE4 from github to make games? Can I use Epic Games Launcher → Unreal Engine → Library → launch latest UE4 i have → Create New Project?
I dont intend to change the engine. Like making mod in Source Engine.
Do I need to fork UE4 from github to make games? Can I use Epic Games Launcher → Unreal Engine → Library → launch latest UE4 i have → Create New Project?
I dont intend to change the engine. Like making mod in Source Engine.
No you need to fork the engine from github.
You can download the Epic Launcher and use the prebuilt versions.
The engine is opensource so you can contribute.
Also since 4.7 the engine source comes with the source code, so you can edit the engine modules if you have to.
Im not sure I follow. Do I need to fork the engine from github or no? Im not planning to contribute or edit the engine modules. Im thinking of using UE4 to create a mod. Make sense?
The short answer is: No.
In order to make a game you only need to go to the main website, download and install:
Once with the engine installed you can make any game with Blueprint Scripting. (Create New Blueprint project)
If you know C++ and want more of Unreal then install Visual Studio and add C++ code to your game.
No, you don’t need to fork the engine from github. Download it from the website.
I think, in real game development in an organized team, at least sometimes, you need to modify the source code, at least to expose more things that the engine maker didn’t expose and workaround some hardcoded situations.