Is it recommended to own both iPad and iPhone?

I already have an iPad which I used to develop my recent iOS game, but I’m wondering if I should also have an iPhone in order to release the game for both iPads and iPhones.
I’m already struggling to figure out how to get iPhone sized screenshots without having one, but the fact that I haven’t actually tested the game on one seems like it could also be problematic. Not to mention, most customers probably have iPhones, making it the greater priority.
But are these things that can be reasonably circumvented? It’s not like it would be easy to afford one, so I would need to get a reasonable return from it.

Ideally I think you would want to have at least one iPhone and one ipad since they are two different aspect ratios but either way you will want to get other people to test it on other iOS devices. I used testflight and got some people to test it out that way. For the screenshots I just used the ipad screenshots and then cropped and resized for all the different required resolutions which you may or may not be able to do that depending on your game and gui elements.

Cropping the iPad screenshot wouldn’t be an option for me, because of the different aspect ratios. I would inevitably end up clipping important stuff out of the screen, including GUI elements.
I agree that it would also be important for testing.
Does anyone else have insight on this? It’s not the sort of thing I want to jump on without thinking it over carefully, considering the cost.

In case you haven’t tried this;

Try setting the New Editor Window(PIE) size on advance setting, to e.g. iPhone 6 then take a screenshot.

The screenshot would fit perfectly fine after cropping for - 4 and 4.7 inch.

As for 5.5 inch, you can just resize the screenshot which had 1920x1080 to 2208x1242

As for iPad Pro screenshot, 2732x2048, it’s possible if you have large screen/monitor resolution.

You just need this 6 sizes for your screenshots references.

3.5 inch @960x640
4 inch @1136x640
4.7 inch @1334x750
5.5 inch @2208x1242
iPad @2048x1536
iPad Pro @2732x2048

Yes, you should ideally have one of each of the devices you want to support.

Screen shots can be genereated through simulation or photoshop cropping, but actual testing is the more important bit!

I’d highly recommend finding an iPhone. Have a friend come over or something. Playing your game on the desired platform is super important.

I decided to get one. Not easy to afford, but I’m convinced it’ll be worth it.