Is it possible to use variable (string) to replace Text Render for implement interface?

I need to change my user input / check code input, so i want know:

Is it possible to use variable (string) to replace Text Render for implement interface? I ask because i used Text Render in UE 4.6.1 for the entirely Blueprint, but now not work anymore because major changes in version 4.8.3. So, i need to replace Text Render :confused:

It´s possible ?

You mean text render component? i don’t know why you use it in interface in first place.

yes, component. I use it to type password in one Keypad Blue print . See this post:

Text Render (how reset?)

it depends on how your doing it.
if its on another object, you need to cast to the other object after doing a trace, get the text render component on the other object, drag off the result pin, into “Set Text”

I have used this for updating text on an object in the world and it works well.

The object itself (a door) is in the same exact location. It´s a mesh attached to components list of my blueprint.

Do you can show me an example of how you did it ?I’m trying to restore a blueprint that has lost its functionality due to the version change of ue 4.6.1 to 4.8.3 . I used text render in old version:

KeyPad: How i reset Text Render Component current value ?

I figured out on how to do this with your SET TEXT. Tks alot :slight_smile: