If, Yes, how is it possible?
I can only add it to an unreal project but not export them into a file / fileformat.
If, Yes, how is it possible?
I can only add it to an unreal project but not export them into a file / fileformat.
Hello ,
You can export assets from Unreal Engine for use in other programs by following the instructions at https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/working-with-assets-in-unreal-engine/#exportingassets which can let you use the asset in external programs. When exporting your assets from Unreal Engine, be sure that the asset can be exported in a Twinmotion compatible filetype. Please also be sure that the asset's terms of use allow you to use the assets outside of Unreal, and if you're unsure it always best to contact the creator for guidance.