I need to make jellyfish swimming movement along a spline in level. I have an animation in place, but I can’t make an imitation of a jellyfish’s stable swimming spurt (like a real one is swimming) and it doesn’t work on the spline. I managed to make a spurt through the impulse node, but the mesh does not move at a stable speed and accelerates over time (spurts become imperceptible).
At 6 sec and 10 sec - this is the spurts which I need for all jelly movement - How can I achieve that for permanent?
And second problem - impulse node doesn’t work at spline: spurts disappear completely (the value that was suitable for moving in a straight line is now too small), but if increase value, the mesh starts twitching.
Moreover, it twitches along the world X-axis, I understood that it doesn’t convert the world coordinates of impulse to local ones - because of this such lags. But I don’t understand how to fix it. Please help
How can it be fixed or done differently?
And here is BP logic: