Is It possible to use commandlet to import datasmith using UE4Editor-Cmd.exe?

I am trying to use UE4Editor-Cmd to run python to import datasmith file. However, I got the below errors. Please help.

My datasmith file is called CW_S0.
The python code that I am using as below:
destination_folder = “/Game/DS”
result = datasmith_scene.import_scene(destination_folder, option)

[2019.08.22-07.28.02:317] 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/DS/CW_S0/CW_S0’
[2019.08.22-07.28.02:317] 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/DS/CW_S0/CW_S0’: Can’t find file ‘/Game/DS/CW_S0/CW_S0’
[2019.08.22-07.28.02:318] 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object None./Game/DS/CW_S0/CW_S0’
[2019.08.22-07.28.02:879] 0]DatasmithImport: Warning: Cannot write in folder xxxxxxxx/Content/DS/CW_S0/Materials to store asset /Game/DS/CW_S0/Materials/Fallback_Color. Check access to folder.

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