Is it possible to to make verse activate mutator zone in only in a specific round?

I have 30 rounds in my island. I don’t want to activate the mutator zone in round one but want to activate it as soon as round 2 starts. Is there a way to do this with verse? I just want the mutator zone to activate one round and not activate the next round.

I think you can do this with verse, by using global variables and incrementing an int var whenever the game starts, then you check if the var is set to 2 and then you do what you want. But I’m not sure if this works.

A much easier way, is to use the round settings device, which allows you to send an event when starting a specific round. You can obviously use its event on verse, and the one you should look for is this one:

round_settings_device<public> := class<concrete><final>(creative_device_base):
    # Signaled when a game round starts.
    RoundBeginEvent<public>:listenable(tuple()) = external {}
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