When I said input prediction, the player isn’t the focus here, I was talking about what happens inside the game logic internal solvers that handle input values, input predictions, and other key calculations.
As far as the player is concerned, he/she will be guaranteed a 10ms fixed delay from the joystick, to the game loop “time” itself, regardless of visual representation of the game simulation. That’s another issue (where we had no problem at all).
This is a great point. But if you think about it, firstly there’s no such thing as zero delay at all. Depending on the frame start time compared to last device polling time assuming both are 120hz. This zero delay is actually an inherent delay that can be as little as few nanoseconds, or as large as 8.32ms. Add to it not knowing where exactly along this range of potential delay the device reading has actually happened, and knowing whether two device input readings have happened during one frame to frame gap. And if the game is 50 to 60 frames, that is way worse.
[you of course don’t need to feel obligated to respond to what was mention above whatsoever, but if you were to, please note that I mentioned a. different inherent delay periods, b. inability to measure said period, c. inability to know pre-last polling if happened after last game-frame pick(two or more pollings in one frame), d. Low frames 50-60 (16-20ms), e. Fluctuating DeltaTime of our game logic frames themselves.]
We are (and by “we” I mean I, as I am the one developing the game in reality alone), we are designing the game logic to benefit a lot from having two-polling-input-readings with a fixed 10ms delay. The value of this system is much superior to the not-so-zero-delay that the default game loop is doing in a game running 120+ fps, let alone low frequencies. The only case that would make our system redundant (and not contradictory still) is if game runs with frame DeltaTime of say 2 or 3 ms, 400fps.
BTW, the game is already running smoothly 120fps, no apparent problem whatsoever, however, it is designed to be a tight online sport game that we need to make it as chronologically controlled environment as humanly possible for a myriad of reasons along the way. And I can talk about that all day long. An input with a fixed delay longer than polling interval is an important part of it. And that is big requirement that’s not met yet.