I have a blueprint that contains up to 8192 instanced meshes, and I would love to spawn as many of them as I reasonable can in a parent blueprint with a For Loop. Spawning 1-7 of these blueprints is fine. But, as soon as I try to spawn 8 of them, the infinite loop detection kicks in and cancels the launch.
I would ultimately like to keep infinite loop detection, but I know that it’s not needed for spawning these blueprints. Can I disable the infinite loop detection immediately before spawning these, and then re-enable it immediately after?
Alternatively, since I know I can spawn 1 without issue, is there a way I can reset the infinite loop detection after each iteration of the For Loop?
You can change the maximum loop count in your project settings. However, you may want to check your logic to see if you can prevent this occurrence. Are you trying to spawn all at once?
Initially, I was trying to spawn all at once. I’ve since moved the spawning into its own function that’s called on Event Tick, where it spawns one per tick. Makes the FPS low while it’s spawning them, but once they’re all loaded it seems to be fine.
I wasn’t sure if this setting you mentioned could be toggled within a blueprint, or if I just need to choose if I want it on/off all the time.
Typically, loops are heavy in performance, so the question is can you spawn them in smaller batches with delay? In this case, the best solution is to add delay between actor spawning or create custom macros with delays (for loop with delay, for each loop with delay etc)