Is It Possible To Switch Collision On And Off In The Editor..?

I’ve designed and made some modular corridor pieces that I want to slap together to create my levels. But whenever I import them and try to place them together there’s no collision in the editor, meaning that the different pieces can merge into each other.

I want my pieces to slot together without merging together and without any gaps between the different pieces so that there’s no visible gaps.

When I started to mess around with these things I was getting an overlapped UVs error message and have found out how to sort that out by creating a second UV channel for the light map and to have gaps between the different faces. So I’m assuming that when I do that (I haven’t started work on the light maps yet but will do those tomorrow!) the models will slot together with no seams but I’ve no idea how to stop the static meshes from merging into each other.

In my experimentation I’ve worked out how to create collision on my corridors in-game so that my character doesn’t walk through walls etc but is there any way to give these corridors collision in the editor itself…?

-Here is UE4’s grid snapping video tutorial, and for custom grid sizes see here: Link
-For Lightmaps, see this post I made

Thanks. But the problem I’ve got is that the modular pieces are different sizes so aren’t going to snap together if I turn on Snap To Grid. Any ideas…?

You can see my models here:

Brilliant, thanks a lot for this, this sounds just the right sort of thing that I was looking for! Thanks! :smiley:

Wow, that’s actually a really cool idea.
But still, I’d implore you to understand that ‘modular’ generally should mean that your meshes conform to some sort of uniform grid… They’re not *modular *otherwise.