Is it possible to skip Compiling Shaders while rendering the Cinematic inside Movie Render Queue?
I am using 5.1 and City Sample. Every time I need to render a Cinematic Cut it renders 58k+ of shaders which is like 8-10 hours of time…
Have they already compiled? Normally it takes a long time first time you load up the scene, but after it’s compiled, should be good to go.
This is a new thing that, to my knowledge, cannot be skipped. Yay! Good news is after its finished it wont do it again… as long as you keep the doc open
Yeah, but it compiles every time I reload my project. It is fine after first compile and I can render more without this long wait, but it is only within 1 session. After restart I need to wait again… And it takes a lot of time. I have RTX 3060, 16 GB RAM and i5-8400, not the best processor I guess… If I will upgrade the processor obviously it will compile faster, but will adding more RAM help also? It is easier and cheaper to upgrade RAM than buying new CPU. I wonder If upgrading to 32 GB will compile shaders faster
Yeah I know it sucks, I think everyone is hating this new behavior. But, what I would do is not even use the citysample. ITS HUGE. Just take what you need from that doc and migrate it over to another fresh doc. That way it will compile faster. OR open the city sample in 5.0.3
thats actually a good advice, thank you btw I just deleted it 10 mins ago lol, I’m done with it, finished a commercial offer using City Sample and now I can go on without it