Is it possible to share or combine material?

i have a mesh, and the mesh contains multi material for difference faces.
i want to create a mask which use for dirt, this mask should be effect to whole mesh.
but, seems i can’t do that, when i select some face of mesh to assign material, they will separate, and will override that if faces which assigned.
i can’t have one material effect whole mesh and other material effect in a part of meshface.
but, i want to do this, Is it possible to do this?

Try to use Material Layers:

  1. Create a Material with MaterialAttributeLayers:

  2. Create Material Layers and Material Blends:

  3. Create Material Instances and add different Material Layers to the Background and add a new element to layers:

  4. Fill new Layer:

This way, you can create multiple materials with different layers in the background and one mask layer on top.

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thanks, but it’s hard to understand for me, i will take a time and make a some test for it.