I have 2 variables on a character (Public Integer and Private String), I want in the details panel when I modify the Integer variable set the String to public to show it on the details panel.
Thanks in advance!
When you set them as public ( with the yellow/green(with tooltip) on their right side ) they are supposed to be shown on the details panel.
They will be shown under a certain category which is called “Default” as default.
Thank you for the reply
That’s the manual set, what I want is to set the variable public when I enter to the trigger.
In a programming sense that’s impossible, so I’m sure it’s the same for blueprints.
Can you explain why you want to do this? Perhaps there is a better way.
Thank you for the reply Distul!
I’m creating a quest giver, I’ve created an Enum with some Text Variables and set it as variable type, so now I have a dropdown list.
So depending on the quest type certain variables are shown or not.
For example: If the quest type is “TalkTo” I want to hide the variable “KillAmount” and show “Character” and if the quest type is “Hunting” I want to hide the variable “Character” and show “KillAmount”
There are a lot of ways to go about this and it’s hard to really suggest a route without seeing any work. However, what I would do is just print or load only the text you need in relation to the quest type.
Sounds like you’re printing all text to screen of all variables. Use some logic checks to determine if a variable’s text needs to be shown and if not simply don’t add it.
Distul, thank you for the suggestion, there’s a lot of ways to achieve this but I want a more organized “code”.
Maybe you know how to add a new category in the details panel using Blueprints?
Ok, Here’s a link how to achieve this https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/8831/request-blueprint-custom-categories.html
I’m almost done, is it possible to hide a category?
This guy is asking something similar, this would be great! https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/29498/how-to-hide-variables-from-categories.html
Ah, sorry that’s a bit out of my understanding. Still learning myself!