Hi, I’m making 2d+3d game (Don’t Starve Together like). So most of my graphics is the same plane with diferent textures. Is there an optimal way to handle this 1 mesh 100 textures situation?
Most of items are collectables, so I use item database (Data Table). It lets me set a mesh, but when I try to do the same with material or texture, nothing happens (or UE5 crushes itself).
Pls tell me, if u have any ideas how to solve this. It would be weird to create 100 copies of the same plane and assign mat instance to every of them, I guess.
You can either change the whole material on the mesh, or (probably better way in your case) just change the textures.
To do that, you need a material with a texture parameter.
Then you have to create a dynamic material instance of that material during runtime. This will allow you to change the texture parameter during gameplay.
Hi, thanks for idea. But I’m super new, can’t understand, where to put this. Is it possible to add this here, where I set object mesh type from item database?