Is it possible to select/cut and paste a "chunk" from the map viewport (default middle window) during a TileMap creation?

Hello everyone,

I’m new here as I have just started learning to create games with UE5.

At the moment I’m creating a simple level/map for a 2D Platformer game, so I can test my main character mechanics within it.

Nevertheless, I’ve spent some time creating a decent scenario so I could test those different mechanics. However, I have positioned part of the scenario in a place I wanted to move somewhere else. Is it possible to select/cut it from the viewport and paste somewhere else?

I’d appreciate any help with that, thanks!

Hey @CassioSalvador! Welcome to the forums!

Sure you can! Try to highlight everything you’d like to move using the World Outliner- maybe make a folder for everything. Then Ctrl+D to duplicate! That’ll copy everything you have highlighted. Then press “W” to activate the movement widget and move it where you’d like all together. Hope that helps! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your help! I appreciate it!

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