Hey there!
So I watched a tutorial about saving and loading but I cannot figure out how to save an image on button click.
Basically I have a small skill tree and when i click on a button I want the icon to change and stay changed.
Well the Icon changed but every time I close the widget it refreshes and I do not know what to do anymore.
The simple answer is yes, you can save an image located on a button. Implementing this system however is not quite as simple. You need to save many variables beyond just the image. You need to save whether or not the skill is unlocked, what image, script logic for loading this image back onto the skill tree each time the menu is opened etc. You would need to post screen shots of what you currently have, what works, what doesn’t etc and then we may be able to help
You should really add some Screenshots to the actual post. we dont really know how you are changing the icon.
here is some things u need to know. You dont need to save the pic itself obviously since its already there in your project and is Static.
What you do need to do is create a array that stores unlocked skills(just names are enough). and then in the logic just add a implementation that checks if the skill exists in ur array and then change the pic accordingly. if i knew how this skill tree is working i would have been able to help more.
And Also Use the save system to save this array. Print a index of the array using print string to check if everything is working as intended.
Hey there!
I added some pictures, I think I just started wrong. I think I will just restart this and read some more on the internet about how to go about this.