Is it possible to save a hierarchy of Actors as a Blueprint "prefab"?

Suppose I have the following setup:


Is it possible to save SomeActor as a Blueprint “prefab” (like in Unity3D)?

I can’t seem to find any way to do that. If I use the Blueprint/Add script button, only the root Actor gets saved. Same happens if I use Blueprints>Convert Selected Actors to Blueprint Class.... If I select all three Actors and use Blueprints>Convert Components to Blueprint Class... it only copies the components of the Actors, but not the Actors themselves.

The only option wich seems to work is to create the SomeActor Blueprint and to manually instantiate and attach Child1 and Child2 in initialization, which would become quite annoying if there were more than just two child Actors.

TL;DR: is it possible to save a hierarchy of Actors as a Blueprint, while mainaing all the classes of all the Actors?

Thanks for the answer.

I tried what you told me and it worked. However: is there a way to detach the ChildActorComponent later on?

I tried with MyChildActorComponent>ChildActor>DetachFromActor (setting LocationRule, RotationRule and ScaleRule to KeepWorld) and they got “half detached”: basically I could move them independently, but when I tried to destroy the Actor which initially was the root Actor, both actors got destroyed.

You can drag actors into the blueprint component panel, and they will be automatically spawned, attached and positioned.You might find it comfortable to store a reference to the spawned actor, though. If I recall correctly it goes something like this:
(Get Actor component)->(Get child actor)->(Set [ActorReferenceVariableNameHere])
Basically you have to use the (Get child actor) node to get a reference to the actual spawned actor.

You might have to cast the actor as well because the actor you get is simply an AActor reference.


Can you please describe, how were you able to save the actors hierarchy as a blueprint?
