Is it possible to programmatically rotate APlayerStart? I have one in the world, but when I try to rotate the actor in c++ or blueprints, it doesn’t actually rotate. I’ve tried to change its location as well, but that has the same result.
Is this just not possible with APlayerStart?
You will probably have to do some work in order to get it working the way you wish. I get this error when I try to rotate the Player Start using blueprints:
Mobility of /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/UEDPIE_0_ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap:PersistentLevel.PlayerStart_0 : CollisionCapsule has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move.
Since the capsule is created in C++, you need to modify the source in order to be able to rotate it. As the error suggests, set it to be Movable:
There is perhaps a reason for why you can’t move the Player Start during runtime. So an alternative solution without changing the C++; is to spawn in a new PlayerStart with the proper rotation, and remove the old one.
I hope this helps!
You could make a new blueprint of PlayerStart, and set it Movable.
There may be other reasons not to, but at least that’s the easy way.
Thanks. I completely missed that in the logs.
I was able to add this to the constructor of my PlayerStart class:
GetCapsuleComponent()->Mobility = EComponentMobility::Movable;