I want to show property if enum equals to THIS or THAT.
Like here:
meta = (EditCondition = "ItemType == EItemAssetType::Ammo || ItemType == EItemAssetType::Weapon")
Is it possible?
I want to show property if enum equals to THIS or THAT.
Like here:
meta = (EditCondition = "ItemType == EItemAssetType::Ammo || ItemType == EItemAssetType::Weapon")
Is it possible?
inside of the engine in MLDeformVizSettings.h you have an example of many condition parameters used in tandem.
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Transient, Category = "Live Settings", meta = (EditCondition = "HeatMapMode==EMLDeformerHeatMapMode::GroundTruth && bShowHeatMap", UIMin = "0.0", UIMax = "1.0", ClampMin = "0.0", ClampMax = "1.0"))
float GroundTruthLerp = 0.0f;
So your or condition should work, the engine acknowledges more than one parameter per condition.
Here is an engine snippet that uses the or in it’s edit condition
/** Stretch stiffness warp override value.*/
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category = "Stretch Override", meta = (ClampMin = "0", EditCondition = "(OverrideStretchStiffness == EChaosClothAssetConstraintOverrideType::None || !bApplyUniformStretchStiffnessOverride) && OverrideStretchStiffnessWarp != EChaosClothAssetConstraintOverrideType::None", EditConditionHides))
FChaosClothAssetWeightedValueOverride StretchStiffnessWarp;
Thank you!
My code wasn’t compiling at all. And I thought that EditCondition thing was the problem. It wasn’t.
You made this clear and i’ve finally found the culprit
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