Is it possible to 'posterize time' (reduce the fps) of an animated character?

I’m hoping to recreate an effect which features in Adobe After Effects. The ‘Posterize Time’ effect allows users to manually set a frame rate for a particular element in the video (layer). I use this effect to stylize my videos. For example, you can get a hand-animated or stop-motion style look by bringing the FPS down to 12.

I want to apply it to an animated character. The end result being that the character would have an FPS of 12 but all other elements in the animation (such as the camera moving through the scene, foliage, lens flare) would run at the correct FPS without this ‘Posterize Time’ effect.

Can something similar be achieved in Unreal Engine?

As an example here is a clip running at 25 FPS (smooth frame rate)


And here is the same clip with the ‘Posterize Time’ effect (12 FPS)


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you can change the tick interval to the actor:


Thank you!

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How did you get this to work?I’m ultimately trying to get this to work on a metahuman using the sequencer, but changing the tick interval on just a simple actor of a rotating box doesn’t change anything in the animation for me. Using UE5.1 here.