Is it possible to place a Socket at a mesh vertice

Hey fellow devs,

I have a skeletal mesh with a pistol holster at the thigh. I can create a socket, place it there at the correct location and attach a pistol and it will move as the sockets bone is moving. but while the moving anims are being played, the pistol moves a little bit different then the actual mesh and so it looks weird. The pistol pops out L and R of the holster.

Is there any way to create a socket with a location relativ to a certain point (vertice) on the mesh instead of a bone.
So that when this point (vertice) is being moved by the anim, the socket moves as well and the pistol mesh isn’t popping out of the holster mesh?

Or do you guys know any other solution?

Best regards any many thanks

The sockets attaches to bones and not the mesh itself. You could add a separate bone for the holster that would animate with it and add a socket where the gun attaches in game.