Is it possible to output (stream) the frames of cameras in a level to an external media server?

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to stream the content of individual camera actors from a given level into a media server. I know that it is possible to read from an external media source, but that’s not what I want, I want the other way around (in order to use UE as a strong simulation engine for multimedia stream processing system).

I’ve also noted that there is the PixelStreaming functionality that seems to be doing that (and other things) under the hood (using WebRTC). I’m just not sure if pixelStreaming is just used for creating a external controller for the game, or if it would allow for this multiple camera actors to streams out to an external multimedia server (using the WebRTC protocols)

I also noted that Sequencer allows for outputting cinematics into video files, but I’m not sure if it has the capacity to stream out (as a sink) this video into a media server on its own, nor if Sequencer would allow for multiple cameras output, and a dynamic environment to play out (which is what would be need in a simulation).

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have you found the answer yet?

and do you know how to access the output of the camera from unreal engine? I am planing to get the camera and stream it through UDP.

thank you.

Hi @Naqib_OG , I didn’t find a solution, but I remember seeing something around this lines in this project: GitHub - carla-simulator/carla: Open-source simulator for autonomous driving research.
But I didn’t have the time to go through the code to see if they are really doing something of the sort or not.